
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Update with Magic Item

My blogging computer died sometime in July.  I attempted to recover the data myself and failed.  My next step was to check local businesses with good Yelp reviews.  Found one.  And they proceeded to give me the run around for months.  I finally got my data back and the good news is that it looks like most of it is there.  The most important stuff anyway.  I'm now on what was my gaming rig trying to set up a smooth process like I had before, but little things make it feel weird (like the fact Windows 7 can't understand svgs).  It feels like swimming against the tide to get back going, but I value the conversations with you and I like making stuff, so I'm going to do my best.  I might do some mini-video game reviews as a start.  Anyway, here is a magic item I came up with right at the tail end of that last set of posts:

Aspasia's Shroud - Cover yourself with this threadbare length of linen, fall asleep, and your body will disappear until you wake.

(DM might want a table for who picked up your shroud when you were sleeping and where they took it :)


  1. Ha could also double as a picnic blanket for those iron ration breakfasts in the dungeon

  2. Ha could also double as a picnic blanket for those iron ration breakfasts in the dungeon

  3. hah. You know, iron rations has struck me as a weird name since first reading it as a kid. Now I'm thinking of a magic item that is a food made of iron. What would an iron apple, say, have as a magical property?
