
Monday, April 16, 2012

Pink Marble Tokens

These oddly shaped tokens of pink marble will induce two magical scrolls to create an offspring scroll.  The tokens are consumed in the process.  The new scroll will contain a spell combining aspects of both parents.


  1. Hey - that's a pretty cool idea. So flying and underwater breathing would create . . . underwater flying?

    - Ark

  2. Thanks, and sure, like underwater freedom. Or maybe swim like a porpoise or fly through the air in a waterspout (as in life, some offspring may be more successful than others ;)

    The fun would probably be negotiating with players what an offspring spell would actually do, or for players to try and pick two spells that would be cool together.

  3. I think I'm going to steal this, or something like it since I'm having trouble imagining how this would happen visually. But this is really cool.

    I've been writing a lot of random spells for my modern fantasy game lately. Since they aren't the main power source for the players I feel I've got a lot more freedom for giving them crazy effects and rules.

  4. Also I think those sculptures could be used for some awesome dungeon structures. Like something found on another plane. Though that might be a bitch to map.

  5. Cool. Maybe scrolls only get frisky out of eye sight. Have to put them in a dark bag together with the token, or something.

    Yeah, those shapes are cool. I think that is more the realm of video games though, wouldn't know how to describe them to players.

  6. Yeah, even if you show them the image that's still pretty tricky, curse our limitations of language.

  7. Yes. Love it. I've been tempted to have scrolls mutate before as you go through Weird zones, and I'm contemplating a place right now that makes all your stuff sentient and opinionated, but deliberate scroll-breeding is genius. I can see it becoming a magical industry. And of course you don't know what you've got til you cast it.

  8. Thanks, I know as a player I'd love to mix and match and see what would come of it. Oddly enough my player had a choice between one of these and a fingerbone necklace for his birthday and he chose the later. But I guess survival trumps magical hijinks.
