
Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Realm Mapped

I was toodling around the internets and lo and behold Diamond over at the Cartographer's Guild made a fantasy map of my stomping grounds.  You Midwesterners have had that since Greyhawk I suppose, now I get to be ruled by a biker gang in an apocalyptic future.

It's a beautiful map.  If I were an OSR publisher I'd be hitting Diamond up to make my next map.


  1. Too sweet! I've wanted to use California as a fantasy setting for a while now--this is brilliant!

  2. That is a beautiful map. Wow.

    - Ark

  3. I lived in Monterey from September 2005 until December 2006. I love this map and have tucked it away for potential use with some other game sometime.

  4. What a fantastic map. I love fantasy maps using real geography. And the map is very, very well done.

  5. That's pretty cool stuff. They seem to have lost a good chunk of the Coast Range there the the east of Suldad, King City and so on in the Salinas Valley. But they definitely hit nail on the head by having Taft as the Mutant Stronghold down in the south. I worked there for about 3 years, and you're either born a mutant there or the oil fields turn you into one eventually. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Have you read Tim Powers' Dinner at Deviant's Palace? That's a post-apocalyptic LA, but still extremely atmospheric for fantasy California.

    ...and then there's the whole Calyferne thing. I still think the San Francisco bay is perfect for an "isle in the mists" setting.

  7. @ richard: I haven't. Thanks for the tip.

  8. Wow...that is quite a map. Pity that I live in "ruins" (drawback of being a couple of miles from a defunct SAC base I guess)

    The map reminds me somehow of KS Robinsons The Wild Shore
