
Monday, February 28, 2011


Last Thursday outside a hip coffee shop on open mic night, two young community college folks that are friends of friends of friends, talking about her brother:
"Yeah, he misses family functions, like Thanksgiving, because he has to play Dungeons and Dragons.  And he paints these little pewter figurines.  He's so weird."
Unbelieving head-shaking follows by all folks conversing.

Granted, I would never miss Thanksgiving for a game session, and I think I overheard later that homeboy may have dressed up as a vampire for some of these sessions (if you do, that's fine, but I can see folks considering that beyond the pale), but it was sad because any thought of D&D being hip again because of the OSR resurgence took a wet blanket right then.


  1. Well, Twilight-boy is weird for missing Thanksgiving. I could see Birthdays, Christmas, or even Weddings, but not Thanksgiving! :)

    Besides, they're probably mixing up Vampire: Masquerade with D&D.

  2. Maybe he's like and would do ANYTHING to skip Thanksgiving.

  3. Sad. In recent years, I can't recall any strange looks when I told people that I still play D&D and similar games.

    But missing Thanksgiving is crazy. That is seriously weird (unless the family is dysfunctional).

  4. immediately reminded me of the guy in the game store's face when he found out I was videoing for a blog.

  5. Anyone shaking their head over how on Earth someone could possibly want to "miss a family function" is not exactly captain of the HipOdrome.

    If they were stunned this kid was missing out on a Blonde Redhead show or a sale on retarded shirts with wolves on them -then- they might be Deciders of Hip.

  6. Community college. I'm just sayin'.

  7. I've long ago accepted that D&D will never be hip.

  8. Thanks all. Putting it that way Zak, yeah I recall many family functions I would have rather skipped to play D&D. (Plus, not hip but dig Blonde Redhead)

    I guess rather than "hip," I should have said I was surprised that D&D was still considered abnormal by these young folks. Vehemently considered abnormal, the bastards,

  9. Last Thursday outside a hip coffee shop on open mic night, two young community college folks that are friends of friends of friends, talking about her brother:

    "Yeah, he misses family functions, like Thanksgiving, because he has to play Dungeons and Dragons. And he paints these little pewter figurines. He's so weird."

    Anything these people don't get has to be worth a second look.

    I'll care what hipsters think when they manage to develop their own culture.* Until then, I've a game to play and enjoy with people I actually want to spend time with...

    * No, ironic appropriation doesn't count. Irony is a literary/dramatic device, not a lifestyle (unless you're John Waters).
