
Saturday, March 27, 2010

100 Hundred Rare Wonders

Strange, Rare, & Frightening Encounters for a Fantasy City

Some of these encounters are stationary, used by beggars & buskers to earn money or by devout worshipers to perform sacred rites, others are moving through the crowds from one location to another for inscrutable purposes. To confuse these situations could cause predicaments. Some of these encounters are specific, some only evocative. All are yours to fuel your fantastic world. More than 100 are given in the expectation that some will be unsatisfactory. Enjoy.

*apologies for the file situation, having some technical difficulties. changed the link above to my hosted site 4/17/11


  1. Thanks! Some really cool stuff in there. Love me a good random chart!

  2. Neat! Some are very cool. Some are very odd. Both are appreciated. :)

  3. Thanks! Yeah, if the dungeon is a "Mythic Underworld" I was going for the city as a "Mysterious Foreign World" and was shooing for strange.

    I'm not sure I'd use some of those in my own game world :)

  4. Very cool, thanks!

    Word veri: Pheleng

  5. I think the ideas are really awesome. Some of them remind me of a story I wrote some time ago:

  6. Cool, your story is similar, I guess there is something archetypal about the teeming bazaar with fantastic and exotic items available. Thanks.

  7. The link is dead now, is the file or list still available anywhere?

  8. It just worked for me, drop me an email if you still have problems and I'll email it back.

  9. Of course, after 24 hours of trying a dead link, it returns to life as soon as I mention it! I have it now, thanks for the offer.

    Internet: 327
    Me: 0

  10. No worries. I hope you find it interesting and useful.
