
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Onesie Hex Crawl

One of my players is fit to burst with a little broodling.  Today she had a co-ed babyshower that I was invited to.  It was a DIY, crafty sort of affair where all the guests were expected to decorate a onesie for the soon-to-be little feller.  I had to keep it old school by drawing a hex-map with fabric paint pens.  My hex wasn't too regular, but that's what you get when you're using scissors as improvised compass.  I traced the city silhouette from my blog on my iphone :)

Here's the work of the other guests:


  1. Holy crap that's awesome! As a dad with a 5- and 4-year old girls, that's a very thoughtful and heartfelt gift to give someone. You sir, are a good friend!

  2. That is cool, looks awesome!

  3. Thanks, to you both. I'm hoping the little guy will get some good mojo from the fun I had making his little treasure map.
